Make a difference in your community by helping children and their families get the Holistic Support they need, today.
Are YOU a social worker, parent or guardian frustrated by the NEVER-ENDING HCBS application process for youth 0-21?
Holistic can help untangle eligibility requirements for your children.
Our Holistic Navigators are on a mission to help Fast Track HCBS applications
To succeed, applicants just need more guidance on how HCBS defines eligibility and requirements
Our expert Holistic Navigators will roll-up their sleeves, take you by the hand, and fast track the process at no charge to obtain HCBS services such as:
If not an English speaker, we can service you in other languages such as French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Swahili, Twi, Haussa, Sonike, and more.
Main Goals of New York HCBS
Home and Community Based Services, is a New York State program delivered by the Department of Health:
Keep children at home with their families and in their community
Prevent admission into hospitals and nursing homes
Help children return from higher levels of placement / care
HCBS reduces the need to provide services in a restrictive environment, such as healthcare facilities, psychiatric inpatient care, or any sort of out-of-home placement.
Must have active Medicaid
Be under the age of 21
Your child/youth been diagnosed with an SED and involved with multiple-system services (child welfare/foster care, juvenile justice, homelessness services etc.), receives mental health services/IEP/504 Plan, and is at risk for a high level of care.
Your child/youth has been discharged from a mental health institution in the last 6 to 12 months and continues to receive mental health services.
You have attempted to request a bed for your child/youth due to his/her mental health situation in the last 6 to 12 months.
If you answered yes to ONE of these questions, your child/youth could be eligible to receive HCBS services. Help us determine your child/youth’s eligibility by filling out our HCBS Eligibility Form.
Your child been diagnosed with 2 chronic chronic conditions, HIV/AIDS, or Sickle Cell
If you answered yes to this question, your child/youth could be eligible to receive HCBS services. Help us determine your child/youth’s eligibility by filling out our HCBS Eligibility Form.
Only the following can determine HCBS eligibility:
HHCM (Health Home Care Management)
C-YES (Children-Youth Evaluation Services)
DDRO (Development Disability Regional Office)
Our Holistic Navigators fast track your HCBS applications following our 4-step process for case workers and families
Find out how our Holistic Navigators help caseworkers Fast Track NYS HCBS Services:
Respite Care
Helps families in your community ease stress at home and promote overall wellness with access to programs at each stage of childhood development.
Learn more -
Caregiver Family Support
Improves the caregiver/family’s ability to care for the child in their home or community.
Learn more -
Prevocational Services
Prepares youth (aged 14 or older) to engage in paid work, volunteer work or career exploration matched to their interests, strengths in the most integrated setting they can achieve.
Learn more -
Supported Employment
Assists youth in maintaining a job that meets their goals in the general workforce.
Learn more
“…youth flourish when surrounded by warm, caring people and a necklace of intertwining physical, social, emotional, and spiritual experiences that contain the secret to a child’s well-being.”
—Noah Vogel, CEO, Holistic Services for All
Let us be your guides to fast track your HCBS application. It starts with a quick “hello”.
If not an English speaker, we can service you in other languages such as French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Swahili, Twi, Haussa, Sonike, and more.